The following is a list of user groups defined on this wiki, with their associated access rights.
There may be additional information about individual rights.
Group | Rights |
(all) |
- Automatically log in with an external user account
- Change Item terms (labels, descriptions, aliases)
- Change Property terms (labels, descriptions, aliases)
- Create Item redirects
- Create Properties
- Create short URLs
- Edit your own private data (e.g. email address, real name)
- Merge Items
- Merge their account
- Read pages
- false
Image-reviewer (list of members) |
- Delete pages
- Move files
abusefilter (list of members) |
- Enable two-factor authentication
- abusefilter-hidden-log
- abusefilter-log
- abusefilter-log-detail
- abusefilter-log-private
- abusefilter-modify
- abusefilter-modify-global
- abusefilter-modify-restricted
- abusefilter-privatedetails
- abusefilter-privatedetails-log
- abusefilter-revert
- abusefilter-view
- abusefilter-view-private
Autoconfirmed users |
- Edit pages protected as "Allow only autoconfirmed users"
- Not be affected by IP-based rate limits
- Perform CAPTCHA-triggering actions without having to go through the CAPTCHA
Automoderated users (list of members) |
- Have their edits bypass moderation
autopatrolled (list of members) |
- Have one's own edits automatically marked as patrolled
- Move category pages
- abusefilter-log
- abusefilter-log-detail
- abusefilter-view
- autoreview
Bots (list of members) |
- Be treated as an automated process
- Bypass IP blocks, auto-blocks and range blocks
- Edit pages protected as "Allow only autoconfirmed users"
- Have one's own edits automatically marked as patrolled
- Have their edits bypass moderation
- Move category pages
- Move pages without moderation
- Not be affected by IP-based rate limits
- Not be affected by rate limits
- Not create redirects from source pages when moving pages
- Not have minor edits to discussion pages trigger the new messages prompt
- Perform CAPTCHA-triggering actions without having to go through the CAPTCHA
- Use higher limits in API queries
- Use of the write API
- autoreview
- extendedconfirmed
botadmin (list of members) |
- Block other users from editing
- Bypass IP blocks, auto-blocks and range blocks
- Change protection settings and edit cascade-protected pages
- Delete and undelete specific revisions of pages
- Delete pages
- Edit pages protected as "Allow only administrators"
- Enable two-factor authentication
- Merge the history of pages
- Undelete a page
- extendedconfirmed
Bureaucrats (list of members) |
- Batch delete pages
- Batch delete pages as "Delete page script"
- Disable two-factor authentication for a user
- Edit all user rights
- Edit interwiki data
- Enable two-factor authentication
- Import pages from other wikis
- Make string replacements on the entire wiki
- Mass delete pages
- Not be affected by rate limits
- Not create redirects from source pages when moving pages
- Perform CAPTCHA-triggering actions without having to go through the CAPTCHA
- Rename users
- edit-html
- override-antispoof
- securepoll-create-poll
- Add groups: Administrators, Bureaucrats, oversight, abusefilter, autopatrolled, botadmin, checkuser, confirmed, eliminator, import, Image-reviewer, ipblock-exempt, patroller, reviewer, rollbacker, steward, templateeditor and translationadmin
- Remove groups: Administrators, oversight, abusefilter, autopatrolled, botadmin, checkuser, confirmed, eliminator, import, Image-reviewer, ipblock-exempt, patroller, reviewer, rollbacker, steward, templateeditor and translationadmin
checkuser (list of members) |
- Enable two-factor authentication
- See IPs of editors in the moderation interface
- abusefilter-privatedetails
- abusefilter-privatedetails-log
- checkuser
- checkuser-log
confirmed (list of members) |
- Edit pages protected as "Allow only autoconfirmed users"
- Move pages
- Not be affected by IP-based rate limits
- Overwrite existing files
- Perform CAPTCHA-triggering actions without having to go through the CAPTCHA
- Upload files
- collectionsaveascommunitypage
- collectionsaveasuserpage
- flow-edit-post
- movestable
- transcode-reset
- transcode-status
electionadmin (list of members) |
eliminator (list of members) |
- Block other users from editing
- Change protection settings and edit cascade-protected pages
- Delete and undelete specific revisions of pages
- Delete pages
- Enable two-factor authentication
- Have one's own edits automatically marked as patrolled
- Mark others' edits as patrolled
- Merge the history of pages
- Move category pages
- Not create redirects from source pages when moving pages
- Overwrite existing files
- Overwrite existing files uploaded by oneself
- Quickly rollback the edits of the last user who edited a particular page
- Upload files
- View deleted history entries, without their associated text
- View deleted text and changes between deleted revisions
- abusefilter-log
- abusefilter-log-detail
- abusefilter-view
- autoreview
- autoreviewrestore
- extendedconfirmed
- review
- validate
emailconfirmed (list of members) |
- Perform CAPTCHA-triggering actions without having to go through the CAPTCHA
import (list of members) |
- Enable two-factor authentication
- Import pages from a file upload
- Import pages from other wikis
Interface administrators (list of members) |
- Edit other users' CSS files
- Edit other users' JSON files
- Edit other users' JavaScript files
- Edit sitewide CSS
- Edit sitewide JSON
- Edit sitewide JavaScript
- Edit the user interface
ipblock-exempt (list of members) |
- Bypass IP blocks, auto-blocks and range blocks
- Bypass automatic blocks of Tor exit nodes
Moderators (list of members) |
- Moderate edits
oversight (list of members) |
- Block a username, hiding it from the public
- Delete and undelete specific log entries
- Delete and undelete specific revisions of pages
- Enable two-factor authentication
- View private logs
- View revisions hidden from any user
- View, hide and unhide specific revisions of pages from any user
- abusefilter-hidden-log
- abusefilter-hide-log
- flow-suppress
patroller (list of members) |
- Mark others' edits as patrolled
- Move category pages
- abusefilter-log
- abusefilter-log-detail
- abusefilter-view
- autoreview
- review
- validate
Push subscription managers (list of members) |
- Manage all push subscriptions
reviewer (list of members) |
- Edit pages protected as "Allow only autoconfirmed users"
- Not be affected by IP-based rate limits
- autoreview
- review
rollbacker (list of members) |
- Quickly rollback the edits of the last user who edited a particular page
- autoreviewrestore
steward (list of members) |
- Delete pages with large histories
- Edit all user rights
- Forcibly create a local account for a global account
- Lock or unlock global account
- Not be affected by rate limits
- Suppress or hide global account
- Unmerge global account
Suppressors (list of members) |
- Block a username, hiding it from the public
- Delete and undelete specific log entries
- Delete and undelete specific revisions of pages
- View private logs
- View revisions hidden from any user
- View, hide and unhide specific revisions of pages from any user
Administrators (list of members) |
- Access to log of two-factor authentication changes
- Add and remove arbitrary tags on individual revisions and log entries
- Apply tags along with one's changes
- Block a user from sending email
- Block other users from editing
- Bypass IP blocks, auto-blocks and range blocks
- Change page language
- Change protection settings and edit cascade-protected pages
- Create and (de)activate tags
- Create discussion pages
- Create new user accounts
- Create pages (which are not discussion pages)
- Create short URLs
- Delete tags from the database
- Delete pages
- Delete pages with large histories
- Edit all user rights
- Edit other users' JSON files
- Edit pages
- Edit pages protected as "Allow only administrators"
- Edit pages protected as "Allow only autoconfirmed users"
- Edit sitewide JSON
- Edit the content model of a page
- Edit your own preferences
- Edit your own private data (e.g. email address, real name)
- Edit your own user CSS files
- Edit your own user JSON files
- Edit your own user JavaScript files
- Edit your own user JavaScript files that are redirects
- Edit your own watchlist (note that some actions will still add pages even without this right)
- Enable two-factor authentication
- Forcibly create a local account for a global account
- Have one's own edits automatically marked as patrolled
- Have their edits bypass moderation
- Manage short URLs
- Mark edits as minor
- Mark others' edits as patrolled
- Mark rolled-back edits as bot edits
- Merge the history of pages
- Moderate edits
- Move category pages
- Move files
- Move pages
- Move pages with their subpages
- Move pages without moderation
- Move root user pages
- Not be affected by IP-based rate limits
- Not be affected by rate limits
- Not create redirects from source pages when moving pages
- Not have minor edits to discussion pages trigger the new messages prompt
- Override files on the shared media repository locally
- Overwrite existing files
- Overwrite existing files uploaded by oneself
- Perform CAPTCHA-triggering actions without having to go through the CAPTCHA
- Purge the cache for a page
- Query and validate OATH information for self and others
- Quickly rollback the edits of the last user who edited a particular page
- Read pages
- Search deleted pages
- Send email to other users
- Unblock oneself
- Undelete a page
- Upload files
- Upload files from a URL
- Use higher limits in API queries
- Verify whether a user has two-factor authentication enabled
- View a list of unwatched pages
- View deleted history entries, without their associated text
- View deleted text and changes between deleted revisions
- View private logs
- View revisions hidden from any user
- View short URLs management log
- View your own private data (e.g. email address, real name)
- View your own watchlist
- View, hide and unhide specific revisions of pages from any user
- abusefilter-privatedetails
- flow-create-board
- flow-delete
- flow-edit-post
- flow-hide
- flow-lock
- investigate
- massmessage
- newsletter-create
- newsletter-delete
- newsletter-manage
- newsletter-restore
- override-antispoof
- spamblacklistlog
- tboverride
- tboverride-account
- titleblacklistlog
- Add group: Automoderated users
- Remove group: Automoderated users
templateeditor (list of members) |
- Edit pages protected as "Allow only administrators"
- Enable two-factor authentication
- tboverride
translationadmin (list of members) |
- Perform CAPTCHA-triggering actions without having to go through the CAPTCHA
- pagetranslation
- translate
- translate-groupreview
- translate-import
- translate-manage
- translate-messagereview
Users (list of members) |
- Create discussion pages
- Create pages (which are not discussion pages)
- Edit pages
- Edit your own preferences
- Edit your own user CSS files
- Edit your own user JSON files
- Edit your own user JavaScript files
- Edit your own user JavaScript files that are redirects
- Enable two-factor authentication
- Perform CAPTCHA-triggering actions without having to go through the CAPTCHA
- Purge the cache for a page
- Read pages
- Send email to other users
- Upload files
- Use of the write API
- View your own private data (e.g. email address, real name)